Monday, January 24, 2011


It's a silly-assed world, isn't it?  Churches and 'holy men' dispensing judgements upon the rest of us.  A two-thousand-year-old, highly lucrative business.  Oooh... and nothing excites the bimbos more than holy men with wads of cash.  Especially if those 'holy men' are closeted gays.  (You figure it out.)

This prick is one of all too many phony, self-annointed, money-driven, butt-kissed, coffer-swelling, smarmy smiling, hypocritical assholes.

"I choose to live my life by what I read in the scripture," he says.


Hey, Joel: eat my shorts.  They're kosher.  And blessed.  And I'll send 'em your way for a hefty donation to my 'church'.  Failure to respond with cash money shall doom thee and thine to gum boils and the Armadale curse.  (Which, like your 'scripture', is pure horse shit.  But if it makes me a buck or two, who gives a rat's ass, eh?  Let us pray.)

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